Oh, she T H I C C.
GF. V. SF.

2 big Anaheim chiles
1 cup raw cashews
1 lime, cut in half
1/4 cup fresh chives
1/2 cup non dairy milk (or 1/4 cup for a dip)
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
Salt & pep to taste
Chili oil or hot sauce to garnish

To the smoker:
Preheat an electric smoker to 250°F and add a handful of dry chips (I use whisky barrel)
[Alternatively, preheat a grill on medium heat with a smoker box]
Place peppers, lime, and cashews on a parchment lined pan (I also smoked pecans & sun dried tomatoes for a salad to carry this ranch to my face)

Smoke the peppers & limes for 90 minutes (until soft & the color is golden)
Smoke the cashews for 30 minutes (until they have a golden brown color)

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth, tasting and adjusting seasonings until yummy

Coat some greens, dunk a tater in it, do whatever the heck you want!
I massaged into some leafy greens and topped with smoked pecans, sun dried tomatoes, parm, and chili oil

Vicious Variations:
Use any peppers or chiles in place of Anaheim. Red bells, jalapeños, serranos, oh the possibilities!
Add a handful of nooch or dairy free cheese for a fantastic pretzel dip.
Don't have a smoker? Roast everything in the oven and toss a couple dashes of liquid smoke or smoked paprika in the blender.
Sound Mate:
Bullet Boys - S/T
Smoooooooooth up in yaaaaaaaaa!
